Tuesday, January 17, 2012


She couldn't remember a time when she didn't have the feeling that she was waiting for something. She wasn't sure what caused this feeling, the fact that her childhood had been so calm, her marriage so steady, her life so relatively easy? Could life really be this great for her? Surely the ball would drop sometime. No, this couldn't be it she thought. She had had her ups and downs just like anyone. Her fathers massive stroke and her mom's subsequent break down. Her husbands totally addiction to work and lack of affection, the fainting spells and car accidents, her boss. None of this was major but it made her realize she had dealt with adversity. And she worked really hard. When she set her mind to do something, she did it. She had achieved all of her dreams by age 31. What was she waiting for? In many ways the feeling drove her. During her teenage years it pushed her to work very hard in school and graduate in the top of her class. She thought it would go away once she got into a great college. It didn't. In college it pushed her to work three jobs, get straight A's and join the student senate. Still she was restless and waiting. The same thing happened in graduate school.

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